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发布日期:2024-09-21 23:05浏览次数:
本文摘要:Chinese telecom equipment maker Huaweis enterprise business saw more growth in Europe last year than in its home market, the divisions Chief Executive William Xu told The Wall Street Journal Monday in an interview at the CeBIT trade fair in Hannover.中国电信设备生产商华为技术有限公司(Huawei)企业业务首席执行长徐文伟(William Xu)周一在汉诺威举办的CeBIT展览上拒绝接受《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)专访时回应,去年华为企业业务在欧洲的增长速度低于中国国内市场。

Chinese telecom equipment maker Huaweis enterprise business saw more growth in Europe last year than in its home market, the divisions Chief Executive William Xu told The Wall Street Journal Monday in an interview at the CeBIT trade fair in Hannover.中国电信设备生产商华为技术有限公司(Huawei)企业业务首席执行长徐文伟(William Xu)周一在汉诺威举办的CeBIT展览上拒绝接受《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)专访时回应,去年华为企业业务在欧洲的增长速度低于中国国内市场。The enterprise segment, Huaweis smallest, produces network gear for customers. The division posted 32% growth on the year in 2013, missing its 40% growth target, Mr. Xu said.企业业务是华为大于的业务部门,主要为企业客户生产网络设备。徐文伟称之为,企业业务2013年的增长速度为32%,并未约40%的快速增长目标。The (2013) target was very ambitious to motivate staff, Mr. Xu said, but he maintained the divisions target of reaching $10 billion in sales by 2017, four times the sales figure achieved last year.徐文伟回应,2013年的目标以定得很高,这主要是为了鼓舞员工。

但他坚决企业业务到2017年销售额将超过100亿美元的目标,这些对于去年销售额的四倍。Europe is crucial for the segments growth strategy, Mr. Xu said, adding he considers Europe its most important market. Huawei competes with Cisco and Juniper, but has a weak position in the U.S., where the Chinese firm is virtually banned from selling network gear to telecommunication firms due to security concerns.徐文伟称之为,欧洲市场对企业业务的快速增长至关重要,并回应,欧洲是最重要的市场。华为的竞争对手还包括思科系统(Cisco Systems Inc. ,CSCO, 全称:思科)和瞻博网络(Juniper Networks Inc. ,JNPR),但华为在美国市场正处于劣势。出于安全性因素考虑到,美国基本上禁令华为向电信公司出售网络设备。

At CeBIT Tuesday, Huawei will launch its first memory server for use with SAPs real-time data analysis platform HANA. The server targets mainly western European and Asia Pacific markets. SAPs HANA platform reduces the time for analyzing large amounts of data.华为周二将在CeBIT展览上发售与SAP动态数据分析平台HANA一起用于的首款服务器。该服务器的主要目标市场是欧洲和亚太地区。SAP的HANA平台可以延长海量数据的分析时间。In the interview Mr. Xu said, that Huaweis enterprise division will do better in 2014 than in the previous year, but didnt specify targets.徐文伟在拒绝接受专访时称,华为企业业务在2014年的展现出将好于去年,但他没透漏明确目标。

He also said the division will raise its spending on research and development, which was $600 million in 2013, by 10%. But we will benefit also from research and development of overall Huawei, which allows us to have the most innovative products, he said.他还回应,企业业务今年的研发开支将比2013年的6.00亿美元减少10%。但该业务还将获益于华为的总体研发成果,这可以使企业业务发售最不具创新力的产品。



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