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发布日期:2024-09-25 18:36浏览次数:
本文摘要:Workers are starting to project personalities on to software programs by giving them female names, talking to them and even giving up the window seat as flesh-and-blood employees adjust to sharing the office with bots.企业员工开始彰显软件程序人格,给它们所取女性名字,与它们聊天,甚至退出靠窗的座位。

Workers are starting to project personalities on to software programs by giving them female names, talking to them and even giving up the window seat as flesh-and-blood employees adjust to sharing the office with bots.企业员工开始彰显软件程序人格,给它们所取女性名字,与它们聊天,甚至退出靠窗的座位。具有血肉之躯的员工正在适应环境与机器人分享办公室。As artificial intelligence invades the workplace, people are learning to live with their new robot counterparts, even though their own jobs might be next for the chopping block.随着人工智能(AI)入侵工作场所,人们开始自学与新的机器人同事相处,即使他们自己的工作岗位或许下次就不会被裁掉。

Staff at back-office operations for ANZ bank in Bangalore have given their new colleagues softer female names such as Lakshmi, while employees at Nippon Life Insurance Company in Japan call them robomi-chan, or “pretty little robot”. In London, workers at insurance processing company Xchanging have named one of their bots Poppy.澳新银行(ANZ Bank)在印度班加罗尔后台部门的员工给他们的新同事所取了较为圆润的女性名字,例如拉克希米(Lakshmi);而日本生命保险公司(Nippon Life Insurance)的员工把它们称作“美丽的小机器人”(robomi-chan)。在伦敦,保险处置公司Xchanging的员工把他们的机器人之一命名为波普伊(Poppy)。

“I’ve heard Danis and Lakshmis,” said Pankajam Sridevi, a managing director at ANZ. “They talk to them, they’re like humans. Sometimes people are so fond of them they give them a window seat.”“我听闻过达尼(Dani)和拉克西米,” 澳新银行董事总经理潘卡加姆?里斯德里维(Pankajam Sridevi)说道:“他们跟它们说出,它们就像人一样。有时人们是那么讨厌它们,甚至给它们一个靠窗的座位。”Using technology to take over information processing tasks is nothing new. But the latest manifestation of office automation — where software robots carry out tasks that a human worker would once have done on their PC — comes in a form that makes it ripe for anthropomorphisation.用于技术来继续执行信息处理任务并非新鲜事。

但办公自动化的近期表现形式——由软件机器人继续执行人类员工曾在其PC上已完成的任务——使其更容易被人格化。Robots such as these work 24 hours a day and do not make mistakes, and their developers credit them with doing the work of two or three people.这些机器人每天24小时工作,不犯错误,它们的开发者称之为,它们能分担两、三个人的工作量。

Giving names and personalities to the new robots has become common among people who find themselves working alongside the new programs, said Alastair Bathgate, chief executive of Blue Prism, one of the companies that develops the software. Ms Sridevi said that naming robots had helped workers accept the software and lessened the risk it would be seen as a job-destroyer.此类软件开发公司之一Blue Prism的首席执行官阿拉斯泰尔?巴思盖特(Alastair Bathgate)回应,在那些发现自己与新的程序一起工作的员工当中,给新的机器人起名、彰显其个性的现象已显得很少见。澳新银行的里斯德里维说,给机器人起名协助工人拒绝接受了软件,并减低了机器人被视作工作岗位毁坏者的风险。The urge to name the robots has born out at least one familiar pattern: the projection of female personalities on to new “intelligent” software assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana. Only Apple’s Siri offers a male voice as an alternative to the female-dominated line-up.给机器人起名的冲动最少印证了人们熟知的一种模式:将女性人格彰显亚马逊(Amazon)的Alexa和微软公司(Microsoft)的“小娜”(Cortana)等新款“智能”软件助手。只有苹果(Apple)的Siri在以女性声音居多的同类产品中获取了一种附加的男性声音。

Entrepreneurs such as Chrissie Lightfoot, co-founder of Robot Lawyer Lisa, are in little doubt about why a female personality is the way to go.企业家们,例如Robot Lawyer Lisa牵头创始人克里西?莱特富特(Chrissie Lightfoot),从不猜测为机器人彰显女性人格是明智作法的原因。“People do feel more comfortable dealing with females than males in tricky matters,” she said.她说道:“人们显然感觉,在棘手的事情上,跟女性做事比跟男性做事更容易。



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