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发布日期:2024-09-27 18:36浏览次数:
本文摘要:Airbnb faces a fight for its life in the Big Apple as New York governor Andrew Cuomo prepares to sign a bill that would in effect end the home-sharing group’s business in New York City.Airbnb将在纽约面对一场轮回之战,纽约州州长安德鲁.库默(Andrew Cuomo)打算签订一个法案,实质上将完结这家住房共享集团在纽约市的业务。

Airbnb faces a fight for its life in the Big Apple as New York governor Andrew Cuomo prepares to sign a bill that would in effect end the home-sharing group’s business in New York City.Airbnb将在纽约面对一场轮回之战,纽约州州长安德鲁.库默(Andrew Cuomo)打算签订一个法案,实质上将完结这家住房共享集团在纽约市的业务。The San Francisco start-up is waging an eleventh-hour campaign to thwart the legislation, offering to impose a mandatory host registration system to help the state keep track of renters and a “one host, one home” rule to curtail the challenge it poses to New York hoteliers.这家坐落于旧金山的初创企业正在展开最后时刻的希望以制止法律,明确提出将继续执行强制性房东注册系统,协助纽约州跟踪租户,并实施“一个居所,一个房东”规则,以增加其对纽约酒店业包含的挑战。Mr Cuomo must decide whether to sign the bill by the end of next week. If it becomes law, it would impose fines of up to $7,500 on hosts who advertise short-term accommodation through Airbnb.库默必需最迟在下周完结之前要求否签订该法案。

一旦法律顺利,房东若通过Airbnb宣传短期住宿,将受到高达7500美元的罚款。Linda Rosenthal, the state assemblywoman who co-sponsored the bill, told the Financial Times that Airbnb’s concessions were “absolutely not” enough to address her fears. “The lawbreaker does not get to make the law,” she said.该法案的联合倡导者、纽约州议员琳达.罗森塔尔(Linda Rosenthal)向英国《金融时报》回应,Airbnb的让步“意味著足以”解决问题她的担忧。

她说道:“违法者无法制订法律。”The online service, which connects owners of homes and flats with tourists and other renters in cities around the world, has often clashed with regulators who accuse the company of facilitating illegal hotel businesses and reducing affordable housing stock.Airbnb获取的网上租房服务,在全球独立国家屋和公寓的业主与游客和其他租客之间牵线搭桥,该服务常常与监管者发生冲突,后者指控Airbnb为非法酒店业务提供方便,增加了可开销住宅存量。In New York, hotel unions and New York City officials have been particularly vociferous about the company’s failure to comply with a 2010 law that banned short-term rentals in Manhattan — but is rarely enforced.在纽约,酒店工会和纽约市官员的赞成最为白热化,他们谴责该公司没能遵从2010年一项禁令在曼哈顿获取短租服务的法律——但很少继续执行。Airbnb said yesterday that it wanted to pay taxes in New York, estimating that it could generate about $90m a year for the state under its new registration scheme. The company also proposed a new “three strikes” rule that would permanently ban hosts who break the 2010 law more than three times.Airbnb昨日回应想要在纽约纳税,按照新的房东注册计划,估算这将为纽约州产生每年9000万美元税收。

该公司还明确提出了新的“三振出局”规定,违背2010年法律三次以上的房东将遭永久性禁令。The company has already reached similar tax agreements with many other cities. In New York, Airbnb lists 46,000 apartments and homes.该公司已与其他许多城市达成协议类似于税务协议。

在纽约,Airbnb获取4.6万套公寓和住宅。Like other such Silicon Valley start-ups that have disrupted traditional business models, Airbnb has been forced, often through confrontation, to become more responsive to local regulators and interest groups as it expands.就像其他毁坏了传统商业模式的硅谷创业公司一样,Airbnb在扩展时仍然不得不(往往是通过对付形式)对地方监管者和利益集团作出更加多对此。The company is experimenting with revenue-sharing arrangements that see part of the revenue from Airbnb rentals go back to apartment buildings themselves, and executives said the approach could be expanded in New York.该公司于是以尝试收益分为协议,将Airbnb租金中的部分收益归还公寓楼本身,高管回应这种作法可以在纽约推展。

Chris Lehane, Airbnb’s policy chief, called on Mr Cuomo to veto the bill, saying that it represented special interests and hotel-union lobbying.Airbnb政策主管克里斯.勒汉(Chris Lehane)敦促库默驳回该议案,他回应该议案代表了类似利益和酒店工会的游说。



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